Monthly Archives: October 2011

Keep reading over at my travel blog!


We made it to America del Sur!!!!  So posting on this page will probably be a lot lighter while we´re traveling.  I´ll still write on here at times when I have something not directly trip-related to say.  But you should definitely add to your Google Reader or bookmarks and keep following me over there!  Thanks!



“And I try not to worry, but you’ve got me terrified.  It’s like you’re in some kind of hurry to say goodbye…” -emo song lyrics courtesy of Death Cab for Cutie

Goodbyes are strange.  My life has been full of them since these phenomena called “adulthood” and “wanderlust” have taken me over.  First I moved to New York for college: goodbye party #1.  During college I went to Kenya for a summer which I think also warranted a goodbye party: #2.  College graduation of course came with #3, a “Goodbye-to-New-York” party.  Then I went into the Peace Corps, so #4 was a big shebang.  After returning from the Peace Corps, Zach and I lived in Ohio for awhile then we moved to Arizona.  That was my #5 and his #1 for goodbye parties, and don’t even ask about the stories from that night!

Anyway, I’m a spoiled brat with my goodbye parties.  My friends make fun of me for how many I’ve had, so this time I decided not to have one.  I’ve just spread the goodbyes out over the last couple weeks in Ohio.  It’s weird.  With some people, it doesn’t bother me too much.  I’ve done it so many times.  But with others, like my BFF and her hubby, who we’ve had so much fun with for the past few weeks, it’s hard every time!  I get so spoiled by being in the same state as her for a few short weeks but then it’s time to leave again!  Makes me sad.  Also, grandparents.  Every time I say goodbye to them for a long period of time there’s just an apprehension about it, you know?  One of the harder things to do in life, I’d say.

I’m not really sure where this post is going.  I guess I’m just processing all the goodbyes of the past few days.  The good news is that “my” goodbyes are officially over since we are out of Columbus and staying with Zach’s parents in his tiny town until our bus to Chicago leaves on Wednesday.  So my goodbyes are done, and his are just beginning!  Mwahahahah!

For more info on what we’ve been up to, and to read our awesome packing list, click here.

Occupy Wall Street


I have been a horrible blogger lately.  But life has been crazy, yo.  We finally arrived back in Ohio last Sunday, after six weeks on the road.  There wasn’t really any relaxation in sight though, because we promptly took off to New Jersey on Tuesday to trade cars with my sister.  She bought mine so I wouldn’t have to worry about keeping up on payments on it while in South America.  Thus the complete cross-country drive from San Francisco to New York City was complete!  While on the East Coast we had whirlwind day of galavanting around the city (Occupy Wall St, Williamsburg, etc.) then drove to Nyack that night to see my dearest college roommate, Erica.  The boxed-wine-drinking and Big-Lebowski-watching was glorious.  On the way back to Ohio we stopped in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania to hang out with my brother at his college for a night.  Went hiking and had a grand old time there.

I still have so much to catch up on as far as recapping our big road trip, and now we are in the throes of final South America preparation!  So this is where I throw some pictures up just to make this post seem less lame.  I’ll write more later, I promise.

For now here are some pics of Occupy Wall St.  What does everyone think of this movement???  I’m undecided about it and would love to hear your views!